Consulting and expert work

Motorsport Solutions Finland Oy

We offer a consulting and expert work services for rally competition organisers.
We have experience e.g. for the following rally event organizing tasks:

Before the rally – Planning and documentation

  • Schedule planning
  • Route planning (incl. SS marking line)
  • Safety aspects for the route (Spectators, competitors, local residents)
  • Safety planning for rescue and paramedic crews, locations and instructions
  • Special Stage staff education and instructions
  • Service area planning
  • Designing of the HQ and Service Park
  • Planning and implementation of the road book

During the rally – Implementation and management 

  • General management for the event
  • Technical management for the rally event as a Clerk of the Course
  • Technical management for the rally event as a Deputy Clerk of the Course (Route Director)

We can assist in all matters related to the route, including permit applications and cooperation with
various authorities. We can also advise on planning and implementing a safety plans and a road book. 

We also have experience in promoting the competition’s marketing, utilizing different social media channels
and working with partners. 

Program & Project Leading

We also know how to assist throughout the entire life cycle of the organization of the rally competition event,
Since 2004 of project management experience and IPMA Level C Project Management certification from year 2007.
We are able to partition, phase and prioritize the most important sections needed in competition and event arrangements, which facilitate the success of the competition organization project.

What You get if choosing us?

You will get a discussive leading partner, who will take responsible the main tasks and will first make RACI chart for the division of the responsibilities. Next step will be ensure the human and time resources, this will be the first phase of the project/program definition & planning. 

Competitions in which we have participated

Finnish Rally Championship events

Castrol Rally 2013 (awarded by competitors as the best rally in the series)
Pirelli Rally 2014 (awarded by competitors as the best rally in the series)
Pirelli Rally 2015 (awarded by competitors as the best rally in the series)
Pirelli Rally 2016 (Henri Toivonen memorial rally event)

National Rally events

Lake City Rally – Pengonpohja 2021 (Pilot of a Concept)

  • Next Generation rally event what was held in single venue 
  • 2 physical Special Stages what was driven 3 times and where driving direction was turned opposite after first loop